As this year comes to a close, I have something on my mind, which I would like to see flushed down the political toilet: Net Neutrality! That's right! Flush Net Neutrality down the Political Toilet!

For one thing, IT STINKS! And it stinks in the worst possible way. It is theft! When the government starts telling a business how to run itself, it almost always ends up being a disaster! Who is the government to regulate what goes up onto the Web? Since when has the FCC been fair to those who disagree with someone? I don't mind if someone disagrees with me, and I will tolerate those who disagree with me, but I will be the one to censor anyone who tries to post something vulgar or slanderous to anyone.

FCC, keep your smelly carcass out of the Web! Your name isn't Wilbur, and this is not Charlotte's web! FCC, cry "Uncle" while you still can, before you deal with the rage from those you censor, including the rage of the moonbat extremists you end up pissing off...when they get upset, they'll spew their guano at you!