

4th of July

4th of July
2011 4th of July

Sunday, March 3, 2013

In The Liberal Rat Traps:

MUH MUH MY!  The whoppers are being flame broiled for the public!  Mr. E and I have done some searching and found some funny pictures to share with you guys.  You already saw the Taco Bell pic, so here are some more pictures to laugh at:

 We have Moonbeam all pissed off with Rick Perry and Terry Branstad recruiting businesses from California.  Sadly, Moonbeam doesn't listen to Gavin; he thinks Gavin is a traitor.
 And where would we be without Joey the talking chicken?  "...and here's Uncle Joe, he's a movin' kinda slow at the junction..."  I'll pass up any hunting trips with him.  In fact, I think he gave 0bama a gift:  take a look at his Christmas present:
 Rattrapper out!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

How Does An Old Fashioned Political @$$ Whipping Feel?

Libbies, you'll need your 'rhoid ointments to sit this one out:  It looks like Taco Bell has been stuffing horse meat into their tacos and burritos!  Now why do your Euros want to eat horse meat?

Oh, and what's this about Chrissi, you ask?  Your blabbermouth has been crying over being asked if he still gets a tingle up his l'eggs.