

4th of July

4th of July
2011 4th of July

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Happy Father's Day

Happy Pappy's Day, Happy Puppies' Day, Happy Gampy's Day... Uh... You get the message, right?  Happy Father's Day to all of you readers!  Catturd is the blessed fur pappy of those puppies abovementioned.  His dogs are enjoying the good life!

And here's a video or two to kick back with...

Remember that fine lady of yours who is the mother of your children, that special woman who stands by you at all times.

Yessiree!  That fine lady who made you a proud daddy... need I say more?

Now here's someone who hasn't been heard on US radio for decades:  Gilbert O'Sullivan.  He's alive and kicking with his own stuff on his own label.

And to end the day, here are some videos of guy humor for the recliner or couch...HA HA!

Have a happy father's day everyone!  And if your father is gone, remember to honor him.  You wouldn't be here without a father.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

More Fun Remixes...


Saturday, June 11, 2022

To The Cool Bloggers...


This post is dedicated to The Mad Jewess who is one awesome blogger!  Her blog rocks!  Mystere told me about her blog and how she enjoys great music!  She rocks the 80s music, so Mystere and I pulled some of Mystere's remixes out of the music vault.