

4th of July

4th of July
2011 4th of July

Friday, December 2, 2022

Delectably Unique Rattlesnake Meat Recipes

Wondering how to cook rattlesnake meat at home? Well, here are some recipes on how to cook it that might help you.

Rattlesnakes are one of the most venomous snakes in the world and are identified by the rings at the tip of their tail, called a rattle. They make a rattling sound with it as a warning to their predators. Rattlesnake meat has been a delicacy in some parts of North America for a long time. It is also used as a popular medicinal remedy.

The meat is pretty tough, but it can be consumed if cooked, properly. People eat it as a part of various dishes. Even canned rattlesnake meat is a favorite among people. In Texas where rattlesnake meat became popular in the 1950s, people consumed it as a barbecue or as a main ingredient in chili.

Recipe 1

The meat should be cut into thin slices, using a sharp knife. Beat the slices with a tenderizer for a few minutes. Place these in a baking tray and season them with salt. Now, fill the tray halfway with water, before covering it with a lid. Preheat the oven to 350 °F. Place the baking tray in it and bake the meat for about 60 minutes. Once done, remove the lid and let it cook for another 10 minutes. Serve the meat with some tortilla chips and salsa, on the side.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Telera Rolls

The link above will lead you to a recipe on how to bake these tasty rolls used to making sandwiches.  They might even be excellent hamburger bun substitutes.



  • 2 teaspoons instant yeast
  • 1 1/2 cups (340g) water
  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 tablespoon lard, shortening, or butter, melted and cooled
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons (9g) salt (optional)
  • 4 to 4 1/2 cups (480g to 540g) all purpose flour*
  • *if substituting wheat with gluten free flour, you will need to add guar gum and baking powder to the mixture.  All purpose tapioca flour is generally used as a substitute in making gluten free bread.  A mixture of tapioca and rice flours is also quite commonly used.  Add a tablespoon of guar gum to substitute for the missing gluten found naturally in wheat.
  • Glaze
  • 1 egg, beaten with 1 tablespoon water


  1. In a large bowl or the pan of your bread machine set on the dough cycle, combine the yeast, water, honey, melted fat, salt, and 4 cups of the flour. Mix until a soft dough forms.

  2. Check the doughs consistency; if the dough sticks to your finger when you touch it lightly, add 1/4 cup of the additional flour and mix for another minute. Check the dough again, adding the remaining 1/4 cup of flour only if you need it; the dough should be soft, but not sticky.

  3. Knead for 6 to 8 minutes at medium speed in a stand mixer, or 10 minutes by hand, until it's smooth and bouncy.

  4. Cover the bowl and let rise for 1 hour, until doubled, or let the bread machine complete its cycle.

  5. Once the dough has risen, deflate it and divide into 10 pieces, roll into balls, and cover the pieces.

  6. Let them rest for 5 minutes before shaping the rolls into a football shape, tapering toward the edges; the rolls should be 5 1/2" long and 2" around at the center.

  7. Place the rolls onto a greased or parchment-lined baking sheet and cover with greased plastic. Allow the rolls to rise while turning the oven on and preheating to 400°F

  8. When the rolls are almost doubled in size, brush the tops and sides with egg wash. Using a greased knife, slash the rolls twice parallel to each other. Press down firmly with each slice.

  9. Bake for 20 to 22 minutes, until golden brown and the centers read 190°F on a digital thermometer. Remove from the oven and cool completely before slicing.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Mamie Eisenhower's "$1Million" Fudge 

Mamie Eisenhower's Million Dollar Fudge

  • Yield: 4 pounds
  • Ingredients

  • H/T The Food Network

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Sunday, June 19, 2022

Happy Father's Day

Happy Pappy's Day, Happy Puppies' Day, Happy Gampy's Day... Uh... You get the message, right?  Happy Father's Day to all of you readers!  Catturd is the blessed fur pappy of those puppies abovementioned.  His dogs are enjoying the good life!

And here's a video or two to kick back with...

Remember that fine lady of yours who is the mother of your children, that special woman who stands by you at all times.

Yessiree!  That fine lady who made you a proud daddy... need I say more?

Now here's someone who hasn't been heard on US radio for decades:  Gilbert O'Sullivan.  He's alive and kicking with his own stuff on his own label.

And to end the day, here are some videos of guy humor for the recliner or couch...HA HA!

Have a happy father's day everyone!  And if your father is gone, remember to honor him.  You wouldn't be here without a father.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

More Fun Remixes...


Saturday, June 11, 2022

To The Cool Bloggers...


This post is dedicated to The Mad Jewess who is one awesome blogger!  Her blog rocks!  Mystere told me about her blog and how she enjoys great music!  She rocks the 80s music, so Mystere and I pulled some of Mystere's remixes out of the music vault.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

Music For A Mother's Day


Remember your mother and spend time with her if possible.  Some of you have lost your mother either recently or a while back.  For those of you who lost your mother, I hope you have some pleasant memories of her to cherish today.

These 2 remixes are up for your enjoyment as you think of your mothers.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Hump Day Reminder: God Rules!

Remember that God owns everything!  God hands you blessings daily.  So make sure you take time to enjoy the blessings!

Enjoy DJ Mystere Of The OC's remix of Never Knew Love Like This Before.  God Is Absolutely Good!

Saturday, April 9, 2022

Saturday Dance Party: Melissa Manchester - You Should Hear How She Talks About You (DJ Mystere Of The OC Barking Dawgpound Remix)

Here's a remix Mystere did which I am loading here.  Mystere says he'll be linking this to Cleveland Foxers as soon as possible.  Enjoy the music!