These 2 seem to know how to make the news...Tony Tallywhacker and Mikey Boobberg will never find a tax they don't like. While Phony Tony stays on the down low for the moment, the Nanny Soda Jerk from New York has taken another swipe, this time at new moms, telling them to breast feed their babies at all costs. This liberal boob conveniently refuses to factor in the possibilities that some women cannot produce enough breast milk to nourish their babies. He has taken steps to keep baby formula companies from introducing their products to hospitals and new moms. Enfamil and other companies have had their products put under lock and key in 27 NYC hospitals, all in the name of breast feeding. Hey Mr. Boobberg, how does it feel to be a moonbat soda jerk? Do you want babies to go hungry if a mom has trouble breast feeding?
And for Phony Tony Tallywhacker, he's on the prowl to take down the Anaheim PD. HEY PHONY TONY TALLYWHACKER, GO BACK TO LOS ANGELES! KEEP YOUR STINKY CARCASS OUT OF ORANGE COUNTY! We don't want your gang bangers in Anaheim shooting at the police in gang infested neighborhoods. We're sick and tired of your Illegal Alien Gang Banging stooges running around like wild coyotes, tagging houses and doing drive by shootings in Anaheim and Santa Ana. Look in the mirror, and stop humping every woman you meet and work with! You screwed your wife over already; are you going to keep humiliating Karina even more?
Mr. Tallywhacker and Mr. Boobberg, you chumps are 2 peas in a moonbat pod!
Phony Tony Tallywhacker thinking about the next tax hike. |
Mikey Boobberg as he hides baby formula from new moms. |
Just say no to Phony Tony Tallywhacker! |
Stop pointing you dumb boob! |