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I smell a rat here! As you have all heard, there is a huge power struggle in California for the Governor's Seat, and the Senate. Moonbeam Jerry Brown has a huge battle with Meg Whitman for the Governor's seat, while Barbara Boxer faces an @$$ kicking from Carly Fiorina! Now don't get me wrong, but I think the Democrats have planted issues to distract us from the stinky carcasses they have left behind! For example, let's take Proposition 19 - the "legalizing" of marijuana for recreati
onal use.
Why hasn't Moonbeam taken action to enforce the federal laws regarding using illegal drugs? Here's why: He simply wants to distract the voters from focusing in on all his failed policies. Another thing: any candidate who would condone such an act would take a beating from the public. The Democrats put this smoke screen up to make themselves appear good on camera! But let's face the truth:
Moonbeam Jerry al
lowed this
to come up, so that it would distract voters from looking at his and Barbara Boxer's 68 years of combined political failures!Moonbeam has also allowed a Homosexual Supreme Court Judge to toss
out the definition of marriage as being between 1 man and 1 woman to becoming a free for all gay orgy! He allowed a sad excuse for a fruit fly judge Vaughn Walker to
butt into what the voters wanted, and kick it out of law! Walker tossed the law out as if it were an unwanted rotten fruitcake!
Now Barbara Boxer has also dug herself a political grave! This bonehead keeps on hugging trees, and sets up Federal laws to for
bid farmers from tapping into rivers to water their crops, because some fish gets onto the endangered species list. Babs has also gone on a wild spending spree which has left us in a huge financial crisis, with no good career jobs straight ahead for us. For a long time, she has not met an opponent who could give her a political whacking...until she got face to face w
ith Carly Fiorina. Babs got her partner Diane Feinstein
to manage her campaign, so the Thelma And Louise team could go out, smearing Fiorina's reputation. There is going to be a big political beating; the Democrats will be getting a big political spanking this year!